The guidelines at the article write

Article guidelines

If you liked to write articles for us, we ask you to observe these small rules. These rules provide a smooth and fast article traffic. You also therefore come faster to your well deserved backlinks. The guidelines are optimized so so that the search engine is also fond of your article. Therefore be valid ahead just, the more exactly you observe these guidelines, the better your article will get in the search engine ranking.
The guidelines of
1. the articles must have been written by you
2. the articles must have been written especially for
3. in any case the copyright of the article must lie with you
4. every article must cover at least 1400 signs
5. only articles are assumed which do not have any contents which are erotic and pornographic, offensive, illegal or otherwise coming into conflict with the law
6. you take the full responsibility for your article
7. your name and the email address must at it be at the end of every article
8. you may put at least 2 backlinks on every article
9. you would like to put 4 backlinks, you must put a backlink on our site if you can
10. this one send us URL of the counterlink with our contact form
11. the articles should be largely fault-free
12. in an estimation of our own we kept change in front of the article
13. no copied articles may be sent at us, content the article must be unique therefore no double we should notice
14. at an article that this is already published elsewhere, this is immediately deleted and no more articles of the respective person accepted
15. no backlinks are published which refer to other article lists or article
16. the publication of articles can be refused by us also without reason, in which the article then is deleted
17. you have provably written at least 20 articles for us, you always may already set 3 backlinks without counterlink in article number 21
18. the quality of the article must be correct, no Keywordlist, whole leaps, and a meaning also should be there
Articles write tips and tricks:
You adhere to these small rules if want to notice you fast that you also profit from it. You get high-quality backlinks and still are rewarded afterwards at special industriousness. With article number 21 there always are 3 backlinks per article. Still would there be to have to set the option of 4 backlinks without a counterlink if, once, 100 articles are reached. But this is a longer way, however, to make absolutely. The articles can be written in German or English. Write so as if there were no search engines, not manipulated that is. Every article should not have a heading with an at least 1 word any more than 4 words, however. You also can of course put links on your own article. If you should wish special categories, we will add these for you afterwards. Please, you use articles exclusively write our form for this. You find this article form also on the homepage in the horizontal navigation bar above. So we already wish you a lot of fun with the article write now.